
My Face and 26k Loops on Vine

This is a strange story about my face, Vine and an overnight success. It just highlights the quick-fire quality of social media and how random it can all be.

Vine and My Face

So the story begins at Tesco Home in Preston. Located on the Capital Centre this store is now closed, part of the Tesco downsize of 2015. About half a year before its closure Terri and I frequented the store often to go to Costa which was situated on the first floor. If any of you reading this ever visited this store you will know that there was a long and flat escalator (moving floor) to allow customers to take their trollies to the first floor. For some reason a Vine idea popped into my head. Why no stand backwards on this escalator while traveling to the ground floor and shoot a single shot in Vine. The hope was it would just be my cheesy face with the background moving. https://vine.co/v/eIUFqQbHa9r We did the above. It went as planned except we did not like the end video. It was ok but the background did not move as quickly as we hoped. Terri saved the video to her phone, it was never used and we forgot about it… until very recently.  

The New Vine Music Update

If you use Vine on a IOs device you need to update your Vine app. The Music on Vine update is ace! Now you can add music to your Vines and it is really easy too. You can either select music from your ITunes account or popular tunes suggested by Vine (via ITunes). You can select any part of the song and clip your vine to the beat of the music to make a perfect loop. Once added to your Vine viewers can click a little music note icon to find out more information about the music you have used. We love this little feature. It reminds us a lot of the early days of social media and Myspace.  

26k Loops

We found the above app updates and started to experiment. Saved within Vine we found the footage of me on the escalator. Terri added a bit of music and uploaded it to Vine. That’s cool we thought, thinking more of the new updates rather than my face. It seemed they quite liked the vine and found it somehow hypnotic. This spawned the following memes. https://vine.co/v/eIL7hjvKD0D The next day Terri checked her Vine channel to find my face had received 26,670 loops! This came as a bit of a shock. Who would have thought a cheese face could be so popular. https://vine.co/v/eTZw3YADXXw Needless to say I have not let the Vine fame go to my head. Although I am glad to announce the release of my very first branded Aftershave and Autobiography. Only joking. I am going to work on both of those next year.