
Social Media in September 2016

Social Media In September 2016 From new technology to new platform names and US voting, September has been a most interesting month for social media. Last month, Social Media in August 2016, we profiled the development of Instagram and how it was directly taking on SnapChat. Well, SnapChat has responded with some very exciting developments. […]

Virtual Reality – Future Communication

Virtual Reality – Future Communication Back in the 90s we were promised virtual reality that would free us from our body and allow our minds to travel to any destination, real or imaginary. Such technologies proved elusive and never came to much. That was until now. Oculus is here to change all that. And no, […]

Sun, Sausage and Socializing

Sun, Sausages and Socialising We finally did it. After many requests we held a barbecue at the Lucky 6 Marketing office in Preston. By all accounts, it was a huge success. We have no delusions that this success is owed totally to the excellent people that attended the event. The Last Barbecue of the Year […]

Your invite to the Lucky 6 Barbecue

Your invite To The Lucky 6 Barbecue Join us this month for our first ever barbeque! Free food, free drinks and a fantastic networking opportunity. Our belated celebration of the new Lucky 6 Marketing office in Preston.Are you going to come down? If so let our very own Terri Juniper know with a quick email […]

From the Pigsties to the Cart Shed

From the Pigsties to the Cart Shed The Lucky 6 Marketing team have graduated from The Old Pigsties to the Cart Shed at Clifton Fields in Preston. This little piggy went to market, these little piggies went to the Cart Shed.   Due to the astonishing growth in business and the demand on our services […]

On The Winning Table

On The Winning Table The ball room was pink, there was a huge abundance of drinks and everyone was in great spirit. We had arrived at the EVAs 2015. Terri and I had been invited by our good friend and client Bev Wood of bwd in Lytham. Bev was a finalist in the Small Business […]

Lucky 6 Marketing is Moving

Lucky 6 Marketing is Moving Big news Lucky 6 Marketing fans. We are going to have a new home. As of Monday 28th September 2015 we will be based in Preston at Clifton Fields. To be precise we will have an office in The Old Pigsties. Out of the Oak House and into The Old […]