Should that be on Facebook?

Quick Tips For Anyone New To Social Media How much do we really say on our Facebook page? Or even how much should we say on Facebook in general? When Facebook punched its way onto the Internet and into our mobile devices it gave business all over the world the opportunity to develop a personality. […]
Tweeting after hours

Tweeting after hours As a household rule we say “no business tweets after 7pm” and it’s a household rule that’s often broken. As much as I love my life as a business women and I love to use social media I feel sometimes I need to pull my business head off and place it into […]
#QuickTip: Profile Pictures

#QuickTip: Profile Pictures Be social and use a photo of your face for your personal online profiles. The human mind is hardwired to identify human faces. It’s a condition called Pareidolia. By having a good photo of yourself online you appear more real, friendly and accessible. This will increase your chances when it comes to […]