6 Social Media Basics Everyone Should Know

Social media is relentless and requires significant effort to succeed. With this in mind, we have put together these 6 social media basics everyone should know. Think of this blog as a quick guide to finding inspiration and motivation to make your future social media activities as successful as they can be.
Lucky Tip: LinkedIn Networking

Lucky Tip: LinkedIn Networking In business first impressions matter. However, it is common for professionals to forget about subsequent impressions and how they may affect how someone thinks of them. If you network regularly have you thought about how new contacts may learn more about you following your first meeting? LinkedIn is a great tool […]
Fears for Social Media Optimisation

Fears for Social Media Optimisation For quite some time now I have harboured a dull, quiet fear for SMO (Social Media Optimisation). I think it is fantastic how powerful social media is becoming and it is a pleasure to see it develop into such a ubiquitous tool. That fact you can now search a word, […]
6 Steps To Improve Your Luck On LinkedIn

6 Steps To Improve Your Luck On LinkedIn At Lucky 6 Marketing we don’t believe luck happens by chance. We believe your luck can be improved with well informed decisions, doing the right thing at the right time and being brave enough to go for it. With this in mind, we have put together the […]
#QuickTip: Profile Pictures

#QuickTip: Profile Pictures Be social and use a photo of your face for your personal online profiles. The human mind is hardwired to identify human faces. It’s a condition called Pareidolia. By having a good photo of yourself online you appear more real, friendly and accessible. This will increase your chances when it comes to […]
Three Key Questions To Plan Your Social Media

Three Key Questions To Plan Your Social Media How much time do you have? Social media is not free. It takes time and time is your most precious asset. Therefore it is vitally important that before you begin a substantial online campaign you first quantify how much time you can spare and secondly you schedule […]