
Networking in the Lake District

A Networking Event in the Lake District It is not every day you are offered the chance to attend one of the most exclusive networking events in the North West. How could we turn down a booze cruise on Lake Windermere? Share on linkedin LinkedIn Share on twitter Twitter Share on facebook Facebook Running your […]

Social Media in February 2016

Social Media in February 2016 Join me as the Lucky 6 Marketing team setup for the biggest, most influential and by far most fun business expo in Preston. The Lancashire Business Expo 2016. For months we have been planning for this event and now, on Thursday 3rd March 2016, we find ourselves carting all our […]

Vlog – 12 Hour Working Day

Vlog – 12 Hour Working Day For the past five years networking has helped me develop Lucky 6 Marketing. It currently makes up a large part of the Lucky 6 Marketing week but it was not always like that. Networking in the early days of Lucky 6 Marketing I am not a natural at networking. […]

My Face and 26k Loops on Vine

My Face and 26k Loops on Vine This is a strange story about my face, Vine and an overnight success. It just highlights the quick-fire quality of social media and how random it can all be. Vine and My Face So the story begins at Tesco Home in Preston. Located on the Capital Centre this […]

Live Social Media From Best of Britannia

Live Social Media From Best of Britannia Last week we had the pleasure of heading down to the old post office in Preston to help Beverley Wood Design at the Best of Britannia event #BoBNorth. If you didn’t come to this event, which was open all weekend, then you really did miss out. It was […]